Compost and Soil

Composted Manure
This compost is too strong for direct planting. It will add a boost of nutrients and biology to an established garden or raised bed, and make a good base for sheet mulching. It will also do well as a top dressing on turf.
$70 per cubic yard

Garden Soil
Made with compost, horse manure, and sand.
This blend is lighter than the compost with better drainage and is best for raised beds and containers.
$90 per cubic yard
This blend works well for lawns. It is too heavy for raised beds and containers. We cannot guarantee this blend is weed free (the only way to do this is with chemicals or a heat treatment). However, we can promise it is free of any particularly troublesome plants like bind weed or Canada thistle.
$55 per cubic yard
This arborist mulch is great for perennial landscaping, walkways, and vegetable gardens. It is made from shredded trees and branches of various types. It has not been screened.
$17 per cubic yard